Trovare un numero di passaporto

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05/04/2011, 16:01:09

Trovare un numero di passaporto

am from venezuela, I have a number of an italian passport but cant find the name neither the address or any data related, this if for a legal purpose... is there any website where I can search the name for this passport number

05/04/2011, 21:07:09

For Marco

Doesn't sound very legal to me :)

No, there is no such website

05/04/2011, 23:24:31

Per Marco, come trovare un nome avendo un numero di passaporto

No idea whether it's legal or not, but there is at least one website offering the service you are looking for: Unfortunately, it does not handle Italian passport numbers. You can find other similar services searching on Google for 'passport find name', or similar queries.

Now, can you explain us why are we using English instead of Italian to communicate??


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Argomenti: documenti, passaporto, siti Internet

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