Rif.: I turisti americani invitati ad evitare Napoli
Discussione collegata a I turisti americani invitati ad evitare Napoli
elena luna
23/07/2007, 05:57:43
23/07/2007, 05:57:43
Rif.: I turisti americani invitati ad evitare Napoli
I am very sorry to say that visiting Napoli is difficult for this American. I am a lover of Naples, but when I visited in April, I was frightened by the soccer hooligans on public transporation April 25 and by a group of teenagers who harassed us on the train to Sorrento.
It was our last day in Naples and I was very upset that the people of my beloved ancestral nation of Italy would treat visitors this way.
Redazione VL
30/03/2009, 06:33:12
30/03/2009, 06:33:12
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